How can you be dating a guy for 7 years? The most you do, should be 3 years, and that’s even too much.
After the 3rd year and no marriage plans, when you receive a call while with him, and he says who is that? tell him oh, I was talking to Jerome. If he ask, who is Jerome, tell him;
“Jerome is my Matchmaker, he is helping me meet other guys who may be interested in relationships that lead to Marriage”.
Or perhaps you may call him, and tell him;
“Darling, I won’t be able to give you a Birthday gift this year because the money I should have used to do so, I have invested it in consulting with Jerome. Jerome is working with me to help me forget you, and find someone who may be serious about Marriage. He has already helped some of my friends that are married today, and I believe he will be helpful for me too”.
A Man That Is Ready
My sister, when a guy wants to marry you, he usually does not waste time.
- A man that is ready will meet you, and makes a decision within 6 months. He will make his intentions known and make concrete plans towards marriage.
- He knows what Marriage is all about, and knows it is to his benefit that he gets married.
- He does not think he is doing you a favor by getting married to you, but rather believes he has found favor with God by meeting you.
Be aware of a man who says “he never had marriage in mind until he met you”. Do not jump at it until he has agreed to go for Pre-marital counseling. He needs to know exactly what marriage is all about. Otherwise he might discover that its not marriage he had in mind, and will leave you for the next person he develops feelings for.
Marriage Tips
When you say I DO in Marriage, you are saying:
- I will look to God to show me how to love you, and never assume I know how to.
- I will be committed to you alone.
- I always will protect what we have.
- I will keep my thoughts and feelings intact for you.
- I will grow with you, and never outgrow you.
To book a pre-marital counseling session with Jerome, call +234 803 719 4335 or send a mail to jerome@jeromeistalking.org.